When I was on tour in Germany I met this nice friend
Hello! My name is Tillie. I'm a cartoonist and illustrator living in Vermont with my wife and son.
I teach at the Center for Cartoon Studies. Their website has more info on their program.
You can get prints of my art here, and merch from my Threadless Store. I have begun selling my original art again with the help of Sean Watkins at Athenaeum Comic Art. Sean has a pile of my work that he is excited to sell that range from my sketches, to pages from all of my books. You can contact Sean here: athenaeumcomicart@gmail.com
I have had a PO box in the past, but currently do not have one. Thank you to everyone who has written to me!
For official inquiries please contact my agent Seth Fishman (sfishman@thegernertco.com) at the Gernert co.
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Instagram is a good place to get updates about what Iām to as well.